My name is Kim Brownell (she/her) and I am teaching "From Orphan To Art".
REGISTER NOWQuilt n Learn Starts Jan 9th!
About me
My website: thewackydoodlequilter.com
My Instagram: @the.wackydoodle.quilter
My Facebook: facebook.com/Kim Brownell/
I'm known as The Wacky Doodle Quilter because of my easy-going eclectic style. I didn't start sewing until the early 1990's and found art quilting to be my specialty. I'm especially drawn to nature, animals, and bright colors. One of my favorite things is to add 3D elements to my work by repurposing found objects and fabrics. I'll often be found perusing garage sales, thrift stores, and flea markets. I love to share my creations with others and inspire others to create. To do that I started speaking and teaching, which I absolutely love! I hope to inspire you to join me in learning what you can create.

My Workshop
Are you in awe of those amazing art quilts? Wondering how to decide which blocks and images to use? You've come to the right place. If you have a stack of orphan blocks or scraps (you know those poor pieces that didn't quite fit anywhere in your projects) you have the start of a small art quilt. I will show you how to design a small wall hanging using orphan blocks, small sewn together scraps, and even pieces of UFOs that you've fallen out of love with. We will decide on a theme using orphans and images to create a background and focal point. Then we will add 3D elements, such as buttons, beads, and other ephemera to create a truly unique piece. I will show you different ways to finish the piece, such as facing, zigzag edging, etc. Now, how to hang it on the wall? Do you want to mount it on a canvas or hang it from a pre-made hanger? I cover that too. Let's give those orphans a home!
My Bonuses

My VIP Bonus is a needlecase pattern, two project instruction sheets, and a glue information sheet
Value: $20
My collage needlecase pattern, my artful memories and fabric greeting card instruction sheets, and an information sheet on fabric glues.
Don't Miss Out - Register Now!
Quilt n Learn Starts January 9th!